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Bullying Prevention Workshop

Date & Time

Bullying is not Cool


We at BirdsNest-MMA aim to help children of all ages overcome the negative impact of bullying.  Our goal is to minimize the effects of bullying behavior in grade school and middle school-aged children.  Not only will they learn to handle bullying issues, they'll become anti-bullying advocates in their family and their community.

Help Your Child Channel Their Energy into Positivity.

Children bully other children out of a lack of self-respect and confidence.  They seek a target they perceive to be weaker than themselves to boost their sense of self worth.

With its strong emphasis on teaching discipline and respect, our Bullying Prevention Workshop can help bullies see the error of their ways.

The atmosphere in our school teaches kids that there can be no self-respect without respect for others.  We don't tolerate bullying and we teach kids that the way they treat others reflects on them both here - and at school.

Aggressive Teens Learn How to Control Themselves

Teen's that bully their peers often do so because they lack self-esteem and they don't know what to do with the fear, anger, and aggression.

Martial arts instruction helps teens corral there aggression and channel it into something positive.  It teaches them that violence and unkindness are not the answer to their problems.

In our martial arts school, all students must respect their instructors and one another.  As aggressive teens learn to respect themselves and others, they no longer feel the need to bully.

Contact Us

Are you or your child interested in attending this workshop?


Please complete and submit this contact form to register.


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